Achieving Healthy Blog

Helping you achieve the healthiest you!


My personal science experiment with BPA

Look at that cute little cup – lookin’ Mason Jar-y n’ stuff with its cute swirly straw!

Processed with VSCOcam with hb1 preset

I’m sure you’ve heard a lot of people saying you should be more proactive about using reusable drink-ware as to cut down on waste. You see a “BPA-Free” sticker slapped on every reusable plastic water bottle in the store. First of all… do you even know what BPA is!? BPA stands for: Bisphenol A is a carbon-based synthetic compound with the chemical formula (CH₃)₂C(C₆H₄OH)₂ belonging to the group of diphenylmethane derivatives and bisphenols. Did you know that BPA is water soluble? Basically meaning, that those plastic chemicals are leaking into what you’re drinking. So we’re safe, so long as we buy the ones with the “BPA-FREE” labels on them, right? Maybe not…

The pictured plastic mason jar above is sold at Walmart for under $5, and claims to be BPA-free. It’s so dang cute, it’s hard to resist, and for so cheap, well forget about it! GIMME DAT!

I made said cup my new official “work cup”. Sure, I’ve heard that glass is better for you! But I didn’t see any glass ones available and I felt like I was still doing my duty of protecting the environment. I was sip, sip, sipping away carefree for a few days. Then, all of a sudden, I noticed that I’d been getting headaches at work almost if not every single day. I thought, maybe it was from the heat + humidity combo that I just wasn’t used to but that I’d acclimate eventually.

A month later, still daily headaches.

I figured, maybe it was from spending so much time staring at a computer. So I brought my glasses to work.

Still daily headaches.

I had considered that maybe I wasn’t getting enough water, so I started making sure I was refilling my cup at least every hour or so.

Still daily headaches.

It finally dawned on me… what if the mass amounts of water I was consuming was the issue?

At work, we use one of those big water coolers that’s allegedly filtered water – kicker was, it’s still coming from a plastic bottle! (which I’m sure has “BPA-free” plastered on it somewhere)

Then, with one more sip from my *uber cute* fake plastic mason jar and straw… THIS was what was causing my headaches. So I experimented with it- I stopped drinking water right away and waited to see if my headache would go away. I figured, it would be a while before a dehydrated headache would come on that I’d be able to tell the difference. Within in ONE HOUR, my headache had gone away.

I seriously could not believe it. All this time, I thought I was doing something so good by using a reusable cup and staying well hydrated and in turn I was literally poisoning myself! Knowledge is power, people!

So what did I do? Chucked that cheap plastic cup for starters! I then finished my bottle of Synergy Kombucha and made that sweet glass jar my new drinking glass of choice.  The chemical risks of drinking from a glass receptacle vs. plastic is almost null. What about stainless steel? Check to make sure that there is not any sort of lining inside the water bottle or you may as well be drinking out of plastic.

Please, PLEASE! Stop drinking out of plastic as quickly as you can! The harmful effects it has on your body are so not worth having something “cute” to drink out of.

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Why I quit my 15-day juice cleanse after only 3 days

As you may know, if you follow me on this blog or social media, then you know I’d signed on to do a 15-day juice cleanse back in April.

It all seemed like a good idea at the time. My friend Erin was game to be my main support system and has done numerous juice cleanses before so she was also going to be a huge resource for me. We went so far as to creating a Facebook group, and invited a few dozen people to join us so we could all support one another. I’d made the decision to do this cleanse for a few different reasons. All rolled up into one, I was having a really rough moment in life. When I say moment, I mean past few days weeks months. Erin seemed confident that a 15-day cleanse was just what I needed to get me back on my feet and be somewhat of a “reset button”. I’d talked about wanting to do one for months prior, so I decided to just trust her and dive in.

I went in with good intentions. I did my best to “transition in” the days leading up to it by eating mostly salads or fresh veggies and juicing at least once a day. I put down a wad of cash with Fresh Direct on a load of produce I assumed would get me through my first week (give or take a little). When it came, I was so excited! I was so thrilled to see 3 big boxes filled with nothing but fresh fruits and veggies! It was after having made 4 or so juices and my veggie stash had gone down to about half that I realized, “Sh*t. Financially, I don’t know if I’ll be able to do this for 15 days.”

On the first day of my cleanse, I had plans to go see a live taping of The View with a friend and so I juiced my first 3 juices the night before since I had to be at the studio pretty early. I had the first juice before I left the house and felt pretty good. I was mentally craving food, but I knew my body was doing just fine with the nutrients I had just poured into it, quite literally. Immediately following the show, I let my emotions get the better of me and I scarfed down a big sugar cookie. It didn’t even taste that great! I just wanted to put a band aid over my emotions with food. I felt so disappointed with myself but rather than allowing it to completely derail me, I continued on with the cleanse. After 2-3 more juices that day, I realized how quickly I was blowing through them and still needed juice for the following day. So I allowed myself to eat a small bowl of refried beans with avocado. Eating felt amazing. Even though I’d eaten a cookie earlier in the day, it felt like I was eating for the first time in years! I’m not sure if the beans had dairy in them or if it was just the fact that it was my first time really eating that day, but my stomach started hurting so bad. I followed it with some raw kombucha in hopes that it would help soothe my belly, but it just tasted too sweet.


The following day, I slept in much later than normal and didn’t get to my first juice until almost noon! If I ever try doing this again in the future, I definitely need to make sure I plan my days better. I will say, I found it interesting how I didn’t seem to ‘suffer’ from any of the common side effects that you generally hear with juicing- no headaches, no dizziness, no fatigue, I didn’t even feel very hungry. What I did feel was the yearn for food. I missed the act of eating so much! I missed that satisfying feeling you experience when you have a fully belly after a great meal.

As I review the notes I kept from those 3 days, I just kept writing “I want food! I can’t stop thinking about food!” That was honestly the biggest struggle for me. I missed the satisfying feeling you get when you pick up a fork, and put food into your mouth. So why did I quit when I knew that would be a struggle before I even got started?

On day three, I started like the days prior with some warm lemon water, followed by my first juice of the day. As part of my cleanse, I wanted to experiment more with ingredients and juices I hadn’t made before. I promised myself I’d drink them no matter what. The problem was, I had some serious flops. I didn’t realize how bitter Swiss chard was or how “pulp-y” mango was going to juice. I was choking down these juices and not enjoying a bit of the process. Not only that, but by day 3, I was almost completely out of produce. Given I’d “transitioned in” a few days before going in 100%, I was just not in the position at that time to be taking on a juice cleanse at ~$30/day. By 2pm on the third day, I gave in, had a hearty bowl of kale and white bean soup and came to terms with the fact that now is just not the time for me to be making such a drastic “diet” change.

I fully understood and agreed  where Erin was coming from in the beginning when she said that she thought honestly that it could benefit me in many areas of life. I think the one component that I really wasn’t fully aware of going in was the cost. In NYC, it’s easy to spend upwards of $40/day on breakfast, lunch and dinner. But I was not your average New Yorker! When I was working, I packed my own lunch almost every single day and made the majority of my breakfasts and dinners at home. If I ordered out, it was generally on the weekend and even then I’m pretty lucky in that my super awesome boyfriend pays for the majority of our meals together (which happened mostly on the weekends).

Once my life here in Austin really gets rolling, I get into my own apartment and start boosting my salary up to where I was once accustomed to it being, I think I’d like to give a cleanse another shot. I’m not going to get on my soap box again proclaiming to do it at X date for X number of days. I just know that I’d like to try it again sometime in the near-ish future.


Have you done a cleanse before? What are your thoughts? I’d love to hear what you think, positive or negative!

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My First Juice Cleanse

Tomorrow morning, I will begin my first ever juice cleanse….

I love juicing and have my own Breville juicer at home, but I’ve never done more than one juice per day and never have I ever used a juice as a meal replacement. I’ve had the desire to do a multiple-day cleanse for quite some time now, but have never really had the guts to commit (no pun intended). I’ve heard it can be really hard, especially the first few days. I also love food. Like, a lot. So the idea of doing nothing but drinking my food for multiple days on end has always terrified me a little bit.


Of course, ultimately it was my decision to do this, but I really became motivated after a conversation with a fellow health coach and juicing guru. I’m really hoping that this will be somewhat of a “reset” button for me. For months now, I’ve only been eating one meal a day and when I do eat more than that, it’s not always the healthiest of choices. I’m aware that this could come as a shock to some considering I’m a health coach, but I’m a very honest person and I want to keep it real. I also don’t really like eating (especially healthy foods) when I’m not hungry, and for reasons I’m not really sure of, I just haven’t been very hungry lately.

This is not as glorious as it may sound. If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I’m currently at a heavier weight then I typically like to be. So it’s not like my lack of meals per day is doing me any favors, at all. Not to mention the effect it’s having on my half marathon training (hello headaches!)


As I go into this journey of doing a 15-day cleanse, I’ve already gotten some backlash on the length I’ve chosen for the cleanse. Yes, it’s a long time. But I trust that my friend that is my main support behind this knows what she’s talking about and feel like I can fully trust her considering she’s done at least a half-dozen 15-day cleanses in the past.

If this is something you’ve been sitting on the fence about doing, I urge you to join us in the process! We have created a Facebook group for anyone doing a cleanse. You don’t even have to do a 15-day cleanse! You can do whatever you feel suits you best. One group member is doing a modified cleanse that will include smoothies and some foods. Another woman doesn’t own a juicer, but has talked about doing a smoothie cleanse. Some are only doing five or seven days. Whatever cleanse sounds best for you is the one you should take on (or not). Please get in touch with me if this sounds like something you would be interested in doing. You don’t even have to start tomorrow!

A note to you if you're interested in joining the FB group: This group has not been formed as a means of telling you HOW to cleanse, or what juices to make. It is simply there to be a supportive community. We know how difficult it can be to do something like this on your own and want to be able to give support to others as well as have it be there for ourselves in times of need. We will be sharing our recipes and will be encouraging the other group members to do the same.

A note to you if you’re interested in joining the FB group: This group has not been formed as a means of telling you HOW to cleanse, or what juices to make. It is simply there to be a supportive community. We know how difficult it can be to do something like this on your own and want to be able to give support to others as well as have it be there for ourselves in times of need. We will be sharing our recipes and will be encouraging the other group members to do the same.

I am so excited to tell you that I will be blogging my entire experience! I’ve yet to decide exactly how I will be publishing it, but I will be journalling each day, every thought that goes through my head about the experience, every juice recipe, everything. Keep your eyes peeled for my updates. 

If you have done a cleanse yourself, I’d love it if you would leave a comment below. What did you feel the pro’s and con’s were? Do you have any recipe suggestions? Please! Leave me some feedback!


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Nutritiously dining out

I  love cooking at home, I really do! But sometimes, it just feels good to go to a restaurant and have someone else do all the work for you!

Sometimes, going out is somewhat of a treat (or a “cheat” as many like to call it). But what if you still want to make nutritious choices while dining out? Keep reading! I’ve got some great tips that I think will be easy for you to apply to your next brunch with your BFF or date night with your favorite guy/gal.

Healthy Eats

  • Before you even opening the menu, think for a minute about what your body wants. How many times have you gone to a restaurant with the intention of getting a “healthy” dish only to end up noticing the basket of fish & chips or the juicy burger & fries and regretted it afterwards? Don’t let the endless menu options determine what you eat.
  • Look at the menu online before leaving home. If my first suggestion doesn’t really resonate you, look up what the restaurant offers ahead of time and pick out a few healthy options to contemplate while you’re on your way there. If you happen to have a health coach (*wink, wink*) you can send them the menu and ask for their suggestions.
  • Sharing is caring! Talk to your dinner date, and find a dish you can both agree upon to share. Restaurants almost always serve portions that are WAY bigger than what you actually need. If you’re dining alone, ask for a box as soon as your food comes and put half of it away for tomorrow’s lunch.
  • Cut out unnecessary added sugar! Skip the soda (diet or regular) and concentrated juices and order water instead. If tap water is just a snooze-fest for you, ask for sparkling or a fruit garnish to liven it up. I personally love lemons, limes, strawberries or pineapple in my water. Unsweetened tea is also a fine alternative. Fresh vegetable juices are SO popular these days, many restaurants are adding them to their menus. If you really want to give yourself a pat on the back, order a fresh veggie juice as an “appetizer” which will both hydrate and nourish you at the same time! BOOM! Two birds, one stone with that one!
  • Decline the carb-y bread/crackers that come with your soup or salad. Who doesn’t love bread? I know I sure do! But saying no to a slice of [refined/bleached white flour] bread won’t kill you and will also leave you with more tummy space for that main dish that’s on its way.
  • Ask to have the sauce or dressing on the side. Chances are pretty likely that if you were making the same dish at home, you’d use about half the amount of sauce/dressing that would otherwise drench your dish. Asking for it on the side allows you to be in control of how much you actually use (or don’t use).
  • Load up on veggies! Nothing wrong with having pizza from time to time. That’s right, I SAID THAT! But do what you can to pile on some veggies in addition to whatever your favorite toppings are.  If you’re ordering a burger or some other less-than-healthy option, consider ordering a side of veggies (either in place of or in addition to the fries that may come with it). *Bonus Tip (on pizza): Ask for “easy cheese” to cut back on unnecessary fats and sodium. Refrain from asking for extra sauce thinking you’re getting in more veggies. In the end, you’re probably just getting more added sugars that you don’t need.
  • Don’t hesitate to be picky. If you see a veggie listed on another menu item, ask your server if you can sub it for an item or add it to your order. It may cost you a bit extra (likely no more than $3) but you’ll be thankful you got the nutrients in the end. If your fish tacos come fried, ask if you can have it prepared grilled instead.
  • Just say no to salt! Sodium is one of the leading cause of heart related issues. Refrain from adding salt to anything that’s put on the table- even those fresh, unsalted tortilla chips served at many Mexican restaurants. If you really want to cut back on your sodium intake, ask the server if anything you’ve ordered can be made without any added salt, like french fries or roasted veggies.
  • Life is sweet! If you’re going to order dessert, opt for a fruit filled option over a gargantuous slice of chocolate cake. If you really can’t decline the chocolate cake, still ask for some fresh fruit- not jelly or berry compote, FRESH fruit! Throw it on top and dig in. Don’t forget to ask your dinner date to split it with you 😉

Lastly- whether you went into the meal with the intentions of ordering something healthy and followed through or not, think or say to yourself, “I am eating this because I choose to“. This takes the power away from the food and puts you back in control and hopefully in turn, alleviating any food related guilt.

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10 tips on cutting grocery costs

Think eating healthy has to be expensive? In this post, I’ll give you ten different ways to help you cut costs at the grocery store and get the most bang for your organic buck!

Shopping cart with vegetables

1- Waste not, will not! Save every part of your veggies, and turn the odds and ends into a homemade veggie soup. You can make this is bulk too, and freeze so you can always be prepared with a bountiful lunch option! Don’t have enough of veggie “rubbish” to make a full pot of soup now? Freeze it!
2- Look up what an actual serving size is to avoid over eating/spending/waste. Chances are more than likely you’re eating double if not more, than the recommended serving size.
3- Choose organic from the dirty dozen plus list/ the clean 15. Go standard on whatever else you feel you can’t afford.
4- Drink more water. Skip the coffee, tea, soda and processed juices. There’s absolutely no need to buy bottled water. Buy yourself a fun glass if it will more you more excited to drink from it!
5- Make your own almond milk. It’s actually quite simple, and almond milk lasts almost three times as long as cows milk!
6- Make your own nut butter. You don’t have to own a fancy nut butter machine, a Vitamix or any food processor will do just fine!
7- Skip the dessert. If you’re one who craves an after dinner treat, try reaching for a banana or an apple. You’ll still give your body the sugar it’s craving, without all the added sugars and chemicals. You can even use some of your freshly made nut putter to smear on top!
8- Buy a whole chicken and use it ALL! Here are a few good ideas of how to make a whole chicken last for many meals. Not to mention, the phenomenal benefits of bone broth. HERE is just a few reasons why you should consider eating it with a great recipe too!
9- Shop local/volunteer at a co-op. A lot of small, local shops will trade hours worked for merchandise or at least a sweet discount. Look here to find your closest food co-op, farmers market or CSA.
10- Make your own bread. Got a crockpot? Put that bad boy to use! This recipe looks delish!

Did you like this post? Make sure you follow me on Facebook and Instagram for more tips!


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The best workout, EVER!

If you’re expecting this post to be about the latest fad in workouts and can’t wait to try it, you should probably stop reading now. This post may not be for you. There. You’ve been warned.

So what IS this about then?? I recently had someone ask me “What are your biggest motivational tips for getting in shape? I always seem to start and then give up a month or so into it.”

If you know me personally, or follow me on social media, then you’re probably guessing my answer to her would be to start running, right?


Wrong! Personally, running works for me. I’ve always been involved in high intensity activities since I was a kid, dance, cheerleading, gymnastics, figure skating. It is the workout that has proven to give me the best results. But I am well aware that running is not for everyone. It can feel hard. It’s very hard on your body. Some people find it boring. If someone had said they hadn’t run since elementary school, maybe I would suggest giving it a shot, but only with the forewarning that it might not suit them. In the same respect that running is not the best form of exercise for everyone, NO specific exercise is right for everyone. Ha! Yes! I said that!

Let me be more clear… I think it is vital to your health to get in at least a 30 minute workout, at least 3 times per week. What that means more specifically, is completely up to you. If you used to be a dancer, but the hopeful days of becoming a professional have long since passed, maybe it’s time you try Zumba, or even take dance classes at a community center. If you like that bulky, cut look, then hit the weights. If you like more slow paced, meditative exercise, try yoga or go for long walks. Some people find gyms to be hell on earth, so if that’s you, maybe you should find your closest hiking trail or hit the tennis courts or dust off your bike. If you’re like my friend, maybe it’s just that you get bored quickly. Do you belong to a gym? Take advantage of the slew of classes they offer! Mix it up! If you find one you like more over another, try to make getting to that class on a regular basis more of a priority. Maybe it’s not just the class you loved, but the instructor! Find them on social media or follow their blog to stay updated on their teaching schedule.

Perhaps it’s not the specific workout you’re struggling with, but the company or lack thereof. I like to run alone, but I prefer to take classes along side a friend. I love to lift weights, but I know I don’t push myself to the limits the way a personal trainer does. If you’re the kind of person that needs to buddy up to get your sweat on, find what works for you. Hire a personal trainer; call a friend to meet you on the corner for a run; join a MeetUp group that fits your interests; bring your furry friend with you; MAKE a friend in a class- people are a lot more warm and welcoming than you might expect, and believe it or not, they’re probably wishing they had a friend to workout with too!

Listed below are FORTY forms of exercise that might just be the perfect workout for you!!!

  1. Elliptical/stair master/etc.
  2. Zumba
  3. Spinning
  4. Hiking
  5. Lifting weights
  6. Golf
  7. Bollywood
  8. TRX
  9. Step aerobics
  10. Crossfit
  11. Rollerblading
  12. Surfing
  13. Running
  14. Soccer
  15. Yoga
  16. Kickboxing
  17. Walking
  18. Dancing
  19. Swimming
  20. Barre
  21. Waterskiing/wake boarding
  22. Pilates
  23. Rock climbing
  24. Karate
  25.  Volleyball
  26. Iceskating
  27. Trampoline
  28. Tennis
  29. Hula hoop
  30. P90X/Insanity
  31. Jump rope
  32. Bootcamp
  33. Intensati
  34. Pole dancing
  35. Skiing/Snowboarding
  36. Stair climbing
  37. Kayaking
  38. Water aerobics
  39. Pound Rockout Workout
  40. Outdoor biking


The bottom line is this, you need to do whatever is best suited for you. If you get bored easily, mix it up and always keep your body guessing. If you need a buddy to motivate you, ASK! If you’re unsure of how to do a workout, ask a professional or look it up online. Now step away from your computer, smart phone and tablet and get moving!

If you liked this post, please share it on  Facebook or Twitter. Like MY Facebook page and follow me on Instagram for more inspiration!